Olje og gass


Kurskode: MUK-220
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 45 minutes
Språk: English (US)
Pris: NOK 500,-

Who is this course for?

All personnel involved in welding operations in the workplace in the US.


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course.


How will this course benefit me?

This course aims to provide an overview of OSHA safe working practices in relation to welding operations.


How will this course benefit my company?

By ensuring you have an overview of OSHA safe working practices in relation to welding operations.


What standards are referred to in this course?

This course does not refer to specific legislation or standards but is written according to industry best practice.


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Kurskode: BIKS-001
Kurstype: Klasseromskurs
Varighet: 2 dager - 16 timer
Språk: Norsk
Pris: Fra NOK 10100,-

Kurset gir deltagerne en god grunnopplæring i sikker bruk av slangepresser og riktig pressing av slanger.

Riktig valg av slanger, kuplinger og gjenger. Identifisering av gjengetyper som BSP - JIC - NPT - MM - ORFS - SAE og UNF, slik at deltaker kan sammenstille slangen på en riktig og sikker måte. 


Deltagerne vil få god innføring i bruk av slangepresser i teori og praksis.

Kurset tar for seg de mest brukte slangetyper på markedet.

Riktig valg av slanger, kuplinger og gjenger. Identifisering av gjengetyper som BSP - JIC - NPT - MM - ORFS - SAE og UNF, slik at deltaker kan sammenstille slangen på en riktig og sikker måte. 

Dette kurset tar  ikke for seg spesifikke leverandører / slangemerker.

Dette vil være helt avhengig av slangeleverandør til selskapet.

Kurskode: OSC1161
Kurstype: Klasseromskurs
Varighet: 4 dager
Språk: Ikke satt
Pris: Fra NOK 17900,-

Oppdatere, vedlikeholde kunnskaper, ferdigheter og holdninger innen sin beredskapsfunksjon i eller relatert til søk og redningslag og HLO. Erfaringsoverføring helivakt og HLO


Kurset er i hovedsak tillagt praktiske øvelser hvor brief og debrief er tillagt stor vekt.   

Taktisk lagarbeid. 



Værrapportering, kommunikajson og rutiner 

- Farlig gods 

- Flydrivstoff 

- Beredskapssituasjoner og normale operasjoner på helikopterdekk 

- Verneutstyr   


Deler av kurset kan bli gjennomført på engelsk.


Kurskode: TQ_053
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 15 Minutes
Språk: English
Pris: GBP 15,-

Why do we often say that it is important to effectively network and build strong business partnerships? It is because your success as a businessperson will be greatly affected by the professional relationships you cultivate. Whether leading employees, working on a cross-functional team, or meeting with colleagues at an industry conference, your ability to successfully network and build productive and authentic business relationships is important. Strong business relationships drive productivity and business success. Smart leaders spend time developing their interpersonal skills in order to build solid bonds with their employees, work productively and positively with peers and superiors, and generate business relationships that can contribute to personal and organizational success.


• Describe interpersonal skills    

• Identify ways to build business partnerships    

• Enlist key strategies to successful networking

Kurskode: TQ_105
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 15 Minutes
Språk: English
Pris: GBP 15,-

Conflict management is a major hurdle in any organizational growth and has to be resolved on priority to reduce the negative effect it may cause. The role of the facilitator is complex. A leader’s job is to guide conflicting individuals through a process without using their influence to determine the outcome of the negotiations. They must model calmness, respect, and open-mindedness in situations that can be emotionally charged. They must encourage full participation of all group members from defining the cause of the conflict to agreeing on a resolution.      

In task-based situations, facilitators need to push team members strongly but respectfully question, challenge, and argue decisions, suggestions, and processes recommended by other team members.      

Leaders who know how to anticipate conflict and address it proactively with the right tools, techniques, and a well-managed process create healthy work environments that use differences to grow and move forward positively. In this course, you will explore the various tools available to the facilitator to manage conflicts.


• Identify the basics of facilitation   

• Apply the three-step mediation process     

• Decide when to encourage opposing dialogue


Kurskode: IKM-002
Kurstype: Klasseromskurs
Varighet: 2 dager
Språk: Norsk
Pris: Fra NOK 11000,-

2 dagers ventilkurs for ventiler med stigende spindel med Ingolf Holmslet, (tidligere Klyde).


Målet for kursene er å øke deltagernes ventilforståelse, slik at de får nødvendig kompetanse ved valg av ventiler og forstår betydningen av riktig utstyrte ventiler. Formålet med kursene er å kunne utføre vedlikehold og problemløsning på ventiler under drift, og dermed redusere nede tid i forbindelse med ventilarbeid. Ved riktig valg og bruk av ventiler, er det fullt mulig å redusere ventilrelaterte driftskostnader med 10-40%.

Kurskode: DP-2263
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: Ikke satt
Språk: Norsk
Pris: NOK 450,-

E-læringskurset gir deg en opplevelsesrik og praktisk opplæring i tekstbehandlingsprogrammet Word 2016. En kombinasjon av videoer, teori, oppskrifter, oppgaver og tester gjør det enkelt å lære seg de nye funksjonene og verktøyene. En komplett e-læring med både grunnleggende og videregående emner. E-læringskurset inneholder 79 opplæringsvideoer.

E-læringskurset er tilpasset Office 365.

Testene i e-læringskurset måler kunnskap før, under og etter opplæringen. Når ettertesten er bestått får du tilgang til et kursbevis i PDF-format som enkelt kan lagres eller skrives ut.



- Før du starter

- Redigering

- Formatering

- Sideformatering

- Språkverktøy

- Tabeller

- Illustrasjoner

- Maler og skjema

- Fletting

Kurskode: TQ_043
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 15 Minutes
Språk: English
Pris: GBP 15,-

Constructive feedback has the ability to help your employees do their jobs better. It helps strengthen your team and improve the overall performance. Many managers are unable to give constructive feedback; hence, they do not get the expected results and sometimes have an adverse effect on their relationship with their employees. To avoid this, many managers are reluctant to provide feedback.  

Constructive feedback is an opportunity to coach your team members on how to grow into more productive and independent contributors. When giving and receiving positive and negative feedback becomes a routine part of everyone’s workday, you and your team will be on your way to personal and organizational success.


• Follow the rules of providing feedback 

• Implement effective methods to share feedback

Kurskode: MSE100
Kurstype: Klasseromskurs
Varighet: 4 dager.
Språk: Ikke satt
Pris: Fra NOK 13900,-

Kvalifisere personell som skal bemanne hurtiggående redningsbåt.


Kontroll og sjekk av båt og utstyr 

Båtens anvendelsesområde 

Samarbeid og kommunikasjon 

Utsetting og opphiving 

Manøvrering, søk og søkemønster 

Koordinerte redningsoperasjoner skip, plattform og andre involverte 

Utstyrskjennskap og trening i bruk av tilgjengelig redningsutstyr 

Pick up med mob-båt   

Kommunisere med helikopter via kommunikasjonsutstyr og signaler 

Trening med bruk av overflatesvømmeutstyr 

Livreddende førstehjelp 

Overføringsteknikker til fartøyer og faste/flytende installasjoner 

Kommunikasjonstrening- VHF/UHF samband med integrerte enheter


Kurskode: AST-003
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: Approx. 90 hours
Språk: English
Pris: GBP 780,-

Provided in association with Astutis, NEBOSH Learning Partner 807.

The NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (IG) is one of the leading health and safety qualifications recognized globally.  It helps develop your understanding of general workplace issues and how they can be applied in different sectors around the world.


The new NEBOSH International Certificate focuses on the role of a real-life health and safety professional. It looks at the real, everyday risks that people encounter and how to manage them to help protect people and profits. 


You'll develop the essential risk management skills to create a safe and healthy workplace. And, you’ll have the foundation knowledge to make recommendations to your employer to help them improve health and safety management.


Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:


• Justify health and safety improvements using moral, financial and legal arguments

• Advise on the main duties for health and safety in the workplace and help their organisation manage contractors

• Work within a health and safety management system, recognising what effective policy, organisational responsibilities and arrangements should look like

• Positively influence health and safety culture and behaviour to improve performance in their organisation

• Do a general risk assessment in their own workplace – profiling and prioritising risks, inspecting the workplace, recognising a range of common hazards, evaluating risks (taking account of current controls), recommending further control measures, planning actions

• Recognise workplace changes that have significant health and safety impacts and effective ways to minimise those impacts

• Develop basic safe systems of work (including taking account of typical emergencies) and knowing when to use permit-to-work systems for special risks

• Take part in incident investigations

• Help their employer to check their management system effectiveness – through monitoring, audits and reviews


Kurskode: MUK-160
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 30 minutes
Språk: Brazilian Portuguese
Pris: NOK 500,-

Course Goal: This course aims to provide an overview of management of change. The course focuses on the steps of the management of change process, the roles and responsibilities of personnel, and the risks involved in change management and their associated control measures.

Learning Objectives:

LO1 Explain why the effective management of change is an essential part of operations in the Oil and Gas Industry

LO2 Define ‘change’

LO3 Describe the key stages in the management of change process 

LO4 Identify the key roles and responsibilities involved in effective management of change 

LO5 Identify the risks associated with management of change

LO6 Explain how the risks associated with management of change can be managed

Kurskode: LSI-004
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 7 timer
Språk: Norsk
Pris: NOK 1490,-

Kurset vil gi deg utvidede kunnskaper i tillegg til innholdet i kurs LSI-002, om Sikker bruk av løfteredskap og dirigering av kraner.

Kurset er også godt egnet som repetisjon for kranførere og annet personell som tidligere har gjennomført opplæring innen løfteinnretninger og løfteredskap.

Innholdet i kurset omhandler valg, kontroll og sikker bruk av de mest vanlige løfteredskap i bygg- og anlegg, industri, sjøfart og offshore. 

Signaler og tegn, kommunikasjon og styring av last er sentrale emner i kurset.

Kurset forutsetter at det gjennomføres praktisk opplæring på arbeidsplassen i tillegg.

Kurskode: TQ_052
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 15 Minutes
Språk: English
Pris: GBP 15,-

Your day-to-day ability to genuinely connect and work well with others is the key to long-term career success. Especially in today’s work environment, where cross-unit, cross-functional, and even cross-organizational teams abound, those with strong interpersonal skills have a decided advantage. And you don’t have to be the stereotypical extroverted salesperson to possess these kinds of skills. Anyone can learn and practice how to interact with others in positive and productive ways. Whether you are collaborating with colleagues, attending a conference of industry peers, or chatting with a team member one-on-one, well-developed people skills give you the opportunity to build stronger relationships, foster goodwill, and cultivate influence with others.


• Manage business relationships   

• Work collaboratively with your team    

• Manage disagreement with colleagues

Grunnkurs Varme Arbeider

Kurskode: KOL-020
Kurstype: Klasseromskurs
Varighet: 8 timer
Språk: Norsk
Pris: Ikke satt

Varme arbeider innebærer økt brannrisiko. Brannene skyldes ofte menneskelig svikt, mangel på kunnskap og omtanke. Noen av brannene innebærer også tap av arbeidsplasser og av kulturhistoriske bygninger. De som utfører varme arbeider må forstå hvilken brannrisiko varme arbeider innebærer og utføre arbeidet slik at brann ikke oppstår. Derfor har forsikringsselskapene innført krav om sertifikat for de som skal utføre varme arbeider.


Sertifikat for varme arbeider har en gyldighet på 5 år.

Kurskode: NOG-OFA101-REP
Kurstype: Klasseromskurs
Varighet: 2 dager
Språk: Norsk
Pris: Fra NOK 6500,-

Kursets hensikt er å bidra til at kursdeltakerne vedlikeholder og videreutvikler sine kunnskaper, ferdigheter og holdninger innen sin beredskapsfunksjon.


Kurset består av et representativt utvalg av innholdet i førstehjelpskurset tilpasset kursdeltakernes forkunnskaper med stor vekt på praktisk trening og øvelse.


Kurset er gyldig i 12 måneder (repetisjon kan tas om bord). 

Kurset er gyldig i 24 måneder på offshore servicefartøyer.

Kurskode: MUK-092
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 2 hours 30 minutes
Språk: Brazilian Portuguese
Pris: NOK 1500,-

Course Goal: This course is designed to enable all personnel to have a common and consistent approach to both company and industry best practice in relation to managing produced water.

This course contains 7 sections:

Section 1: Introduction to the Oilfield Water Cycle 

Section 2: Production Streams and Disposal Management 

Section 3: Produced Water Discharges - Environmental and Regulatory Requirements

Section 4: Produced Water Treatment Principles

Section 5: Produced Water Treatment Equipment

Section 6: Produced Water Chemical Management 

Section 7: Oilfield Water Cycle Summary

Kurskode: BVS-036
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 1 hour
Språk: English
Pris: EUR 200,-


This training course is based on the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea - 1972, (COLREG 72), which aims at determining the signalling system requirements for safe navigation.


On completion of the training, students will be able to: Get familiar with steering and sailing rules. Understand the meaning and the positioning of navigation lights. Know the requirements of the Convention concerning lights, shapes and sound signals.


Application and responsibilities


Steering and sailing rules

o Conduct of the vessel in any conditions of visibility

o Conduct of the vessel in sight of one another

o Conduct of the vessel in restricted visibility

Lights and shapes

o Technical specification of lights

o Technical specification of shapes

o Definitions

o Visibility of lights

o Applicability: power-driven vessels, towing and pushing, sailing vessels, fishing vessels, vessels not under command, vessels restricted in their ability to manoeuvre, vessels constrained by their draught, anchored vessels and vessels aground

Sound and light signals

o Whistle

o Bell

o Gong

o Vessel equipment for sound signals

o Manoeuvring and warning signals

o Sound signals in restricted visibility


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded the following qualifications:

Certificate of COLREG awarded by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of COLREG, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore, is obtained after completing the course and passing the qualification examination.

Kurskode: BVS-037
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 1 hour
Språk: English
Pris: EUR 100,-


This training course provides general information about cybersecurity in the Maritime Industry. It describes the main cybersecurity issues regarding the use of computer-based equipment in the professional environment and proposes ways to protect oneself from hackers.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Understand that we are living in a digital ultra-connected world;

Know about main cyberattacks and ways to keep protected from them;

Enforce main cybersecurity rules on ships;

Understand Internet best practices and implement them;

Be cautious when using social networks.


Digital revolution

o Digitalization transforms the world, your environment, your work on ships

o You are connected = you are vulnerable

o Internet is NOT a lawless zone

Cyberattacks on board and on a daily basis

o What is ransomware, and how to react to it

o How to use antivirus

o How to care about and protect data

o Why updates are necessary

o Why be cautious with unknown Wi-Fi networks

E-mail (professional and personal) best practices

o How to recognize corrupted e-mails from legit ones

o Think before you click

o How to react to the detection of a suspicious e-mail


o How to protect them, how to generate them

Social networks

o Have you become a “like” addict

o Protect your e-reputation

o Protect your Company e-reputation

Your digital environment on board

o Your ship is like a connected factory

o How to react in case of a potential cybersecurity breach/incident


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of Cybersecurity Awareness in Maritime Environment, issued by Bureau Veritas

Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Cybersecurity Awareness in Maritime Environment is obtained after completing the course and passing the online test.

Kurskode: OSB-101
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 15 minutes
Språk: English
Pris: NOK 200,-

We know how important it is for us all to do what we can to ensure an effective transition for ourselves and our teams back to work. The landscape of the workplace has and will inevitably continue to change and today’s ‘new normal’ may not be tomorrow!

Offshore Crane Advanced

Kurskode: KOL-050
Kurstype: Klasseromskurs
Varighet: 24 hours
Språk: English (if not otherw ...
Pris: Ikke satt


The course will enable the participants to handle normal as well as critical operations i.e.
• Communication
• Planning
• Use of crane emergency equipment
• Various lift operations under pressure
• Choice of correct actions if unwanted incidents occur


Theoretical part:
• Laws and regulations
• The safety functions of the crane
• The safe operation of offshore cranes
• Human factors
Simulator exercises:
• Operational limitations of crane operations
• Communication during crane operations
• Preparation and planning of crane operations
• Internal transport on the installation
• Loading and unloading supply vessels
• Transport of personnel
• Crane operation on various installations (fixed/ floating)


This course is designed to enable crane operators/trainees on various installations the knowledge, understanding and skills within emergency situations of crane operations.

This is achieved through in-depth exercises on a full scale crane DNV GL Class A simulator, supported by a program of lectures and instruction.

The theory will cover communications, procedures, crane safety systems and operational scenarios at various installations during different weather conditions.


References: NORSOK R003

The course can be personalised to suit company specific needs e.g. the use of specific installations and selected scenarios.


Certification of attendance will be issued upon successful completion of the course.

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