Olje og gass


Kurskode: WBB-002-12
Kurstype: Kurspakke
Varighet: 7 Hours
Språk: English
Pris: GBP 250,-

With COVID-19 meaning that home working is no longer an option but a necessity for many, what are the potential side effects on our health and work performance. Employers may need to provide additional training to ensure appropriate supervision and work behaviours. These include remote technology, communication skills development, time management and ergonomics.


Effective remote working requires greater self-control and discipline to avoid the boundaries between work and personal life becoming blurred. Research has shown that, in general, homeworkers tend to work longer than office workers and this increases with the use of technology. Homeworkers do benefit from greater working time autonomy, but how effectively this is applied depends on the discipline of the individual.


The ‘Effective Remote Working’ bundle includes 3 months access to 10 online courses and over 7 hours of eLearning.  


• Management of Change

• Lone Working (Employees)

• Smart Workplaces: Responsible Social Media for Team members

• Business Writing: E-Mail Techniques

• AEC Success: Effective Decision Making

• Webinars – Conducting a Web-based Presentation

• ABCs of Managing Time & Effort: The 80/20 Way

• Smart Time Management: 7 Steps to Regaining Control of Your Day

• 3-way Communication

• Smart Customer Service 3: Effective Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Kurskode: BVS-035
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 4 hours
Språk: English
Pris: EUR 280,-


This training course composed of 2 modules provides an overview of the requirements of the Ballast Water Management International Convention and the technical aspects related to the ballast water treatment equipment.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Understand the background of the Ballast Water Management Convention, its structure and the most important regulations

Know the difference between the ballast water exchange and the performance standards

Understand the role of all stakeholders and actors

Be familiar with the approval, inspections, commissioning and tests of Ballast Water

Management systems

Understand the survey and certification requirements

Be familiar with the different technologies used and the installation requirements


Module 1 – BWM Regulatory Aspects


The Ballast Water Management Convention

Duties of the main stakeholders 

Ballast Water Management Standards

USCG Position 

Module 2 – BWM Technical Aspects

BWM Surveys

International Ballast Water Management Certificate

BWM System Approval


Ballast water treatment systems technologies

Ballast water treatment systems installation


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of Ballast Water Management, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Ballast Water Management is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test. 

Kurskode: KOL-024
Kurstype: Klasseromskurs
Varighet: 2 dager
Språk: Norsk
Pris: Fra NOK 8400,-

Deltakerne vil få en god og sikker innføring i høytrykkstestingsutstyr, teori og praksis. Etter endt kurs skal deltakerne kunne bruke trykkstestingsutstyr på en sikker måte, slik at ulykker og skader unngås.


Hensikt: Hensikten med innføringskurs i trykktesting er å gi den enkelte kursdeltager de grunnleggende kunnskaper om forberedelser, planlegging, utførelse og dokumentering av trykktesting som disiplin.


Svakheter i sammenføyninger og materialer

Omregningstabeller PSI - BAR

Hydrostatisk og Pneumatisk trykktesting

Sikkerhet ved trykktesting og fysiske barierer

HMS - Bruk av personlig verneutstyr

Generelle prosedyrer ved trykktesting / Eksempel

Fittings og høytrykkslanger - Trykklasser

Gjengetyper, flenser, ventiler, pakninger og bolter

Ulike metoder for trykktesting


Bruk av trykktestingsutstyr i praksis. Trykktesting

Kurskode: TQ_088
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 15 MInutes
Språk: English
Pris: GBP 15,-

The simplest definition of diversity is “a range or variety of different things”. In the context of D&I, diversity refers to “the traits and characteristics that make people unique” which include (but are not limited to) race, ethnicity, age, gender, socio-economic class, ability, sexual orientation, and nationality. The summation of these variables combine to create life experiences which shape how a person solves problems, creates, and assesses risk. These are examples of “diversity of thinking” which yields direct and indirect benefits that are foundational to the business case for investments in D&I initiatives.


An inclusive environment is one in which “all individuals are treated fairly and respectfully, feel welcome, have equal access to opportunities and resources, and can contribute fully to the organization’s success.”


• What are strategies to improve D&I initiatives?

• What is the business case for D&I?

• What are the gaps in the business case for D&I?


Kurskode: TQ_075
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 15 Minutes
Språk: English
Pris: GBP 15,-

Teams are the backbone of contemporary business life. Executive teams, work teams, cross-functional teams, high-performance teams, and project teams serve a variety of purposes, but they all have the same goal: to solidify the organization’s competitive advantage in the marketplace. 

Cross-functional team leaders draw individuals from departments across the organization to address a particular problem. They might select development engineers, marketing professionals, sales people, legal experts, customer service managers, accountants, and HR executives to apply their various talents to accomplish the goal. The concept is powerful. But this mix of diverse skill sets, professional experience, and personalities also comes with challenges—and you need to manage the team carefully in order to maximize its potential for success.


• State the challenges of handling a diverse team 

• List the ways to manage these challenges 

• Apply the strategies to leverage the power of your team

Kurskode: TQ_106
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 15 Minutes
Språk: English
Pris: GBP 15,-

The journey of a successful leader begins with both personal and professional development. Leaders stay on top of their industry and economy. They are future-focused, positive, and strong communicators. Leaders spend time in self-reflection and education, learning how to maximize their strengths and improve their weaknesses. They study best practices for working with others and know how to get the most out of their employees. They combine these knowledges to guide their organization. Leaders pursue goals persistently. They are open-minded and flexible in their approaches, encourage team members to embrace innovative thinking, and cultivate an environment of positive work culture. They develop team members through coaching, delegating, and mentoring. They also model and inculcate behaviors they want their employees to have, such as integrity, strong communication skills, innovation, emotional intelligence, strategic decision-making, confidence, and vision. Above all, a successful leader provides clarity of purpose, direction, and support, so that everyone succeeds as they work to achieve common goals.


• Demonstrate excellence in business strategy

• Apply essential personality characteristics

• Build critical people skills required to achieve goals


Kurskode: TQ_049
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 15 Minutes
Språk: English
Pris: GBP 15,-

When you make developing customer rapport a priority, you will experience many benefits. From the very first interaction, there are things you can do to begin earning customer trust and loyalty. Be friendly and genuine as you communicate. Always be honest and work hard to solidify your reputation as a trustworthy professional. As your relationships grow, find ways to help your customers outside of your role as their sales consultant. These opportunities to assist them in their successes will cement your rapport even more. And don’t forget that relationships with your colleagues and co-workers need as much attention and care as your customer connections. It takes hard work and teamwork to be successful. Taking the time to build rapport with both your customers and colleagues is the key that unlocks this reality.


• Identify Ways of Establishing Customer Rapport

• Identify Ways of Sustaining Customer Rapport

• List the Benefits of Building Customer Rapport


Kurskode: TQ_111
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 15 minutes
Språk: English
Pris: GBP 15,-

The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.

 - Thomas Berger


Asking open-ended questions is a powerful tool to not only spark new ideas and discussions but also developing strategic thinking, collaboration and innovative business solutions. Leaders who demonstrate curiosity and active listening skills are ideally qualified for asking open-ended questions and helping their teams discover original answers to corporate challenges.

• Define an open-ended question 

• Identify the best practices in asking open-ended questions 

• Explain how to encourage and enable employees to use open-ended questions in business meetings 

• Recognize the advantages of open-ended questions

Kurskode: TQ_009
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 15 MInutes
Språk: English
Pris: GBP 15,-

Leaders in a World Economic Forum study listed creativity as the third most important work skill they seek in employees. And as organizations face increasingly complex business issues, they are training their employees to be smart risk-takers and creative thinkers. They are hiring for these competencies, too. As you apply the recommendations provided in this course, your skills will increase, your employees will grow more confident and competent in their abilities, and together, you will create a powerful culture of innovation.


• Identify the need and ways to harness creative thinking    

• Identify ways to build a culture of creative thinking    

• Explore recommendations for developing your team’s creative thinking


Kurskode: TQ_010
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 15 MInutes
Språk: English
Pris: GBP 15,-

Your success as a leader isn’t dependent upon how much technical knowledge, business expertise, or years of industry experience you have. If you want to achieve goals consistently, build strong, collaborative teams, and establish solid relationships with colleagues, superiors, and clients, then you need Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Emotional Intelligence, also known as Emotional Quotient (EQ) is the ability to properly gauge your emotions as well as the emotions of others in all situations, use proper judgment and behave appropriately for the desired outcome. In other words, EQ is the ability to identify your emotions, and those of others, and use that knowledge to make the best decisions, regardless of the circumstances.


• Define EQ 

• Describe the four components of EQ 

• Use tips and techniques to develop your EQ

Kurskode: KOL-009
Kurstype: Klasseromskurs
Varighet: 42 timer
Språk: Norsk
Pris: Fra NOK 9800,-

Hensikten med opplæringen er å gi truckførere allsidig praktisk opplæring og øvelse i sikker bruk av truck, slik at ulykker i forbindelse med bruken unngås. Opplæringen skal gi fører så gode kjøreferdigheter at vedkommende selvstendig på en sikker måte skal kunne gjennomføre oppdrag med truck.

Truckfører må imidlertid gjennomføre typeopplæring på den trucken som til enhver tid benyttes i tillegg til sertifisert sikkerhetsopplæring. Opplæringen avsluttes med en praktisk prøve som innbefatter kontroll og bruk av aktuelle trucker.

Bestått praktisk prøve på aktuelle trucker vil være grunnlag for utstedelse av kompetansebevis for fører av truck


Modul 1.1 (8 timer) Arbeidsmiljø, ansvar og konsekvenser

Modul 2.2 (14 timer) Truck 

Modul 3.2 (6 timer) Praktisk bruk

Modul 4.2 Bedriftsoppl. - 20 timer Oppl.virksomhet-14 timer




Kurskode: BVS-028
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 1 hour
Språk: English
Pris: EUR 200,-


This training course provides an overview of the IACS Recommendation 47 – Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standards.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Understand the applicability of IACS Recommendation No.47.

Get familiar with materials, welding and non-destructive testing. 

Understand the quality standards for steel ship construction and remedial standards for new buildings. 

Understand the quality standards for repair of ships in operation.


General requirements for new constructions and repair of ships in operation

Qualification of welders, welding procedures and NDT operators


Equivalency of material grades

Surface conditions and acceptance criteria

Shipbuilding and remedial quality standards for new constructions

o Standard for flanged longitudinals and flanged brackets

o Standard for corrugated bulkheads

o Standard for pillars, brackets and stiffeners

o Standard for hull shape

o Standard for fairness of plating between frames

o Standard for alignment and remedial standard for misalignment

o Standard for butt weld plate edge preparation and remedial standard

o Standard for fillet weld plate edge preparation and remedial standard

o Standard for distance between welds

Repair quality standards for ships in operation

o Standard for welding, groove roughness

o Standard for renewal of plates

o Standard for doublers on plating

o Standard for renewal of internals/stiffeners

o Standard for welding of pitting corrosion

o Standard for welding repair of cracks


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standards, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standards is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

Enkle løfteinnretninger. Modul P-2.4

Kurskode: KOL-013
Kurstype: Klasseromskurs
Varighet: 2 dager / 16 timer
Språk: Norsk
Pris: Ikke satt

Hensikten med kurset er å gi blivende riggere en god teoretisk grunnopplæring i sikker bruk av: Fallsikringsutstyr og enkle løfteinnretninger (enkle travers- og søylesvingkraner, håndtaljer, luft- og eltaljer og transportable vinsjer.Opplæringen gir kandidaten god innsikt i prinsippene for fallsikringsutstyrs, enkle løfteinnretningers og transportable vinsjers konstruksjon, virkemåte, bruk og vedlikehold, slik at uhell og ulykker i forbindelse med riggeoperasjoner unngås.

Deltakeren må ha fullført G11 stroppekurs før kursstart.

Opplæringen dekker den nødvendige teoretiske som er nødvendig for å kunne gjennomføre det praktiske riggekurset, Modul O 3.2.

Kurset avsluttes med en teoretisk prøve. 

- Fallsikringsutstyr
- Travers- og søyle- svingkraner
- Håndtaljer, luft- og el-taljer
- Transportable vinsjer
- Avsluttende teoretisk prøve

Kurskode: EXT-008
Kurstype: Kombinert kurs
Varighet: 5 timer e-læring + ...
Språk: Norsk
Pris: Fra NOK 11200,-

Exi Installasjon og vedlikehold i klasserom og e-læring
Dette kurset kombinerer selvstudie med e-læring, samtidig som man samles i klasserom og går igjennom praktiske demonstrasjoner og eksempler.
Egensikre systemer er ulike de andre Ex beskyttelses konseptene da det er et system konsept. Derfor er det nødvendig å forstå systemet som helhet samt hvordan miljø og enkeltkomponenter påvirker systemet.

Kurskode: TQ_079
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 15 Minutes
Språk: English
Pris: GBP 15,-

Your success as a businessperson will be greatly affected by the professional relationships you cultivate. Interpersonal skills are the cornerstone of developing these associations, so it is important to assess your abilities to communicate clearly and empathetically and to listen well. The most effective and satisfying relationships are based on a genuine and mutual desire to get to know and help others. When you focus on adding value to your business connections, you will build a network that is both personally satisfying and professionally beneficial.


• Identify foundational skills required to build a strong interpersonal relationship

• Develop methods of building business partnerships

• Enlist keys to networking


Kurskode: KON-001
Kurstype: Klasseromskurs
Varighet: 16 timer
Språk: Norsk og Engelsk
Pris: Fra NOK 17000,-

Kurset gir grundig opplæring ved hjelp av en fullskala DNV GL klasse A kransimulator og klasseromsundervisning. Kurset dekker ulike typer last og relevante krefter som virker på last, kran og fartøy.

Øvelsene i kurset kan på forespørsel tilpasses spesifikke laste- og losseprosedyrer.

Kurset gir deltakerne grunnleggende kunnskaper, forståelse og praktiske ferdigheter innen:

- Løfteoperasjoner
- Krefter
- Kommunikasjon
- Planlegging
- Prosedyrer
- Begrensninger
- Sikkerhetsfunksjoner og systemer
- Prosedyrer for start og stopp
- Operasjonelle begrensninger i kranoperasjoner
- Kommunikasjon under kranoperasjoner
- Forberedelser og planlegging av kranoperasjoner
- Intern transport på installasjon
- Lasting og lossing av supplyfartøyer
- Kranoperasjoner på et utvalg av faste og flytende installasjoner


Kurskode: NMA-008
Kurstype: Klasseromskurs
Varighet: 5 dager
Språk: Norsk
Pris: Fra NOK 14600,-

ECDIS er et pc-basert navigasjonsverktøy som kan brukes som et alternativ til tradisjonelle papirkart, såkalt papirløs navigasjon.

ECDIS og elektroniske kart (ENC) er en total forandring fra å navigere med tradisjonelle papirkart, med mange fordeler og nye muligheter. Brukt på riktig måte kan ECDIS være med på å sikre og effektivisere dagens ”moderne” navigasjon. På den annen side så er det mange nye utfordringer. Manglende kunnskap om ECDIS og om kompleksiteten i elektroniske kart (ENC) vil være en risikofaktor.

Dette kurset gir grunnleggende kunnskaper, ferdigheter og forståelse av ECDIS og elektroniske kart (ENC). Kurset har ikke som mål å lære bort grunnleggende navigasjon, men hvordan man bruker ECDIS til sikker navigering.

ECDIS kurset er i henhold til IMO-modell kurs 1.27 (2012 EDITION), og STCW Chapter II, Section A-II/1 and Table A-II/1, Table A-II/2 og Table A-II/3.

Ved fullført kurs, skal kursdeltakerne:

- kunne bruke ECDIS på det samme trygge og effektive nivå som ved bruk av konvensjonelle papirkart
- ha kunnskap om muligheter og begrensninger med ECDIS
- kunne vurdere all relevant informasjon og kunne gjøre riktige tiltak i tilfelle en feil
- være kompetent og ha fått en god forståelse av elektroniske kart (ENC)
- kjenne operasjonelle prosedyrer
- kjenne til prosedyrer for elektroniske kart (oppdatering, bestilling, permits etc.)



Kurset er jevnt fordelt mellom teori og praktiske oppgaver på ECDIS med egen brosimulator. 

- Regler og forskrifter 

- ENC 

- Sensorer 

- Ruteplanlegging og monitorering 

- Alarmer 

- Dokumentasjon / back-up 

- Kartoppdatering 


- Safety settings

Kurskode: AST-004
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 500 hours
Språk: English
Pris: GBP 3528,-

Provided in association with Astutis, NEBOSH Learning Partner 807.

The NEBOSH International Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety is an advanced health and safety qualification. Equivalent to an undergraduate degree in OHS. The NEBOSH Diploma is NEBOSH's flagship qualification. It is recognised by employers and professional bodies in over 180 countries around the world!


The qualification will develop competence in all areas of health and safety so you can reduce risk in dangerous environments and keep people safe. It is the ideal course if you want a successful, long-term career in health and safety.


Unit A: Managing Health and Safety

This unit provides an in-depth understanding of the key areas for managing health and safety, covering moral, economic and societal drivers, health & safety law and health & safety management systems. 


A1 - Principles of health & safety management

A2 - Principles of health & safety law

A3 - Criminal Law

A4 - Civil Law

A5 - Loss causation and incident investigation

A6 - Measuring and reviewing health and safety           

A7 - Identifying hazards, assessing and evaluating risk

A8 - Risk control

A9 - Organisational factors

A10 - Human factors

A11 - The role of health & safety practitioner


Unit B: Hazardous Agents in the Workplace

Unit B details all major aspects of managing chemical, biological, physical and physiological hazards in the workplace.


B1 - Managing Occupational Health

B2 - Identification, assessment & evaluation of hazardous substances

B3 - Control of hazardous substances

B4 - Monitoring and measuring

B5 - Biological agents

B6 - Physical agents - noise and vibration

B7 - Physical agents - radiation

B8 - Mental ill-health & dealing with violence & aggression at work

B9 - Musculoskeletal risks and controls

B10 - Work environment risks and controls


Unit C: Workplace and Work Equipment Safety

Unit C provides a thorough understanding of how to create and manage safe working environments, covering welfare, fire, dangerous substances, work equipment, electricity, construction and transport. 


C1 - Workplace welfare requirements and specific workplace issues

C2 - Fire and explosion

C3 - Workplace fire risk assessment

C4 - Storage, handling and processing of dangerous substances

C5 - Work equipment (general)

C6 - Work equipment (workplace machinery)

C7 - Mobile, lifting, access and work at height equipment

C8 - Electrical safety 

C9 - Construction & works of a temporary nature - hazards and controls

C10 - Workplace transport and driving for work

Kurskode: OSB-100
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 15 minutes
Språk: English
Pris: NOK 200,-

We know how important it is for us all to do what we can to ensure an effective transition for ourselves and our teams back to work. The landscape of the workplace has and will inevitably continue to change and today’s ‘new normal’ may not be tomorrow!

Kurskode: TQ_002
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 15 Minutes
Språk: English
Pris: GBP 15,-

Changing demographics, technology innovation, and global competition are driving enterprise-wide business transformation. Digital natives—two new generations of buyers and corporate talent—are wired to connect, communicate, and operate in this environment. How they instinctively navigate this digital age is redefining how organizations are responding to customer expectations, continuous business innovation, and competition. A recent Wall Street Journal article said, “We are in an era of extraordinary change in core business models. Technology is usually the cause.” As organizations shift from pre-digital age business models to more agile platform-based models, their strategies are changing too. Digital technologies are the tools that organizations are using to meet the demands of a new breed of the buyer and a competitive global economy. It’s clear that today—and going forward—every business is now a digital business.


• Learn how markets are getting transformed due to digital

• Recognize how business models get transformed due to digital

• Understand how digital influences strategy transformation for any business


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