Oil and Gas

Course catalogue

Course code: NOG-143-2
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1-3 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 7900,-
Kurset er utviklet i henhold til Norsk olje og gass plan for opplæring – kurs i fittings og small bore systemer.
Kurset skal gi deltageren grunnleggende kunnskap om oppbygging, virkemåte, montering, testing og vedlikehold av tubing-systemer med tilhørende fittings.
Kurset er en kombinasjon av teori og praksis og avsluttes med en nettbasert eksamen.
Kurskjøper oppfordres til å ta kontakt med aktuelt operatørselskap for å få informasjon om hvilke kurstilbydere det enkelte operatørselskap aksepterer.

- Hovedtyper og deres virkemåte
- Problematikk: Sammenblanding av produsenter
- 1.gangs montering
- Gjenmontering
- Formontering
- Montasje verifisering
- Verktøy
- Gjengetyper og deres identifikasjon
- Fare for kaldsveising
- Gjengetabeller
- Gjengetetninger
- Krav til innskrudde gjenger i NPT-gjengeforbindelser
- Tetningsmåter
- Adaptere
- Materialforståelse (galvaniske effekter). Henvisning til NORSOK M-001 og styrende dokumentasjon hos oppdragsgivere.
- Korrosjon
- Dimensjoner / veggtykkelse
- Merking / sertifisering
- Hvordan behandle tubing korrekt fra produksjon til ferdig montasje
- Forberedelser av tubing for montasje
- Råd knyttet til legging og bøying av tubing
- Bruk av ekspansjonssløyfer for å unngå utmatting
- Hva menes med høytrykk
- Hvilke typer tubing-fitting (fabrikat) brukes typisk på norske anlegg for høytrykk
Course code: MAE-006
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 5 days
Language: English, Norwegian
Price: From NOK 18900,-

After completing this course, participants will have the knowledge required to pass the IWCF Certification test. The IWCF Certification in Norway is a government imposed certificate for leading well service personnel and must be renewed every two years.


Course Content

- Self-study before the course starts

- Teaching and assignments

- Practical exercises on simulator

- The course ends with IWCF certification test

- Main reasons for well bore kick

- Interpretation of welll bore signals indicating a kick

- Shut-in procedures

- Well control calculations

- Circulations methods

- Simulator exercises

Course code: ALT-003
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 5 days
Language: Norwegian - Exam avail ...
Price: From NOK 16500,-

This course includes all subjects needed to prepare candidates for the rotary drilling well control exam, surface and subsea BOP stack on driller level (Level 3).

A printed course manual and exercise book is provided for all attendees. The IWCF exam is included in the course.

The course has been made on basis of the recommendations for enhancements to well control training, issued by the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP).

Course Content
- Kick prevention
- Shut in procedures
- Well control methods
- Kill sheet calculations
- Practical simulator training
- Circulation methods
- Practical simulator assessment
- IWCF written exam on the last day (Friday)

Please note! The course is in Norwegian, however you have the option to select the exam language to be English

Course code: MAE-009
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 4 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 17695,-

This introductory course provides the drilling personnel with basic understanding of well control. Progressing junior staff get a solid background and knowledge of why well control is essential, how well control is maintained, what the indicators are that well control might be lost, and how to regain the control once it has been lost.

Understand the negative consequences associated with loss of well control
Understand the need for detection
Recognize the warning signs of abnormal pressure
Know the actions that should be taken when kick indicators are present
Be familiar with the functions of the bop equipment
Be able to select well control method to regain control
Be able to fill in a IWCF surface and/or subsea kill sheet
Be able to calculate kill mud weight, initial circulation pressure and final circulation pressure
Correctly obtain shut in pressures in the well
Understand the barrier concept
Know the impact pumping cement could have on well control
Obtain sufficient knowledge to pass a written IWCF test with minimum 70% score

Course code: ALT-004
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 5 days
Language: Norwegian - Exam avail ...
Price: From NOK 16500,-

This course includes all subjects needed to prepare candidates for the rotary drilling well control exam, surface and subsea BOP stack at supervisor level.

A printed course manual and exercise book is provided for all attendees. The IWCF exam is included in the course.

The course has been made on basis of the recommendations for enhancements to well control training, issued by the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP).


Course Content

- Kick prevention
- Shut in procedures
- Well control methods
- Kill sheet calculations
- Practical simulator training
- Circulation methods
- Practical simulator assessment
- IWCF written exam on the last day (Friday)


Courseprovider is Altus Intervention

Please note! The course is in Norwegian, however you have the option to select the exam language to be English

Course code: MAE-001
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 5590,-

Focus on various phases of a drilling operation.
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to describe the various phases of a drilling operation. They should be able to identify, state the position and give an account of how drilling equiopment is used on a platform.


Course Content

Data collection:

- Formation research

- Petroleum geology

- Drillhole logging


Platform types:

- Various platform types


Drilling technology with drilling equipment:

- Lift system

- Help equipment for drilling

- Drill column

- Bits

- Surge pipe and BOP

- Compensatory equipment

- Fishing and fishing equipment

- Directional drilling

- Drilling from a floating installation


General well control:

- Hydro static pressure

- Formation pressure

- Break-up pressure

- Grounds for kick

- Out-circulating of kick

- Methods for killing operation

- Concept of kick/blow-out

- Well-control equipment


Feed pipes and cementing:

- Types of feed pipes

- Putting in feed pipes

- Cementing

- Equipment/cement unit


Mud technology:

- Functions of mud

- Equipment

- Cleaning mud


The course can also be arranged internally and can be tailor-made for individual companies.

Course code: ALT-005
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 4 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 17300,-

The content follow the syllabus issued from IWCF.

  • General well control principles
  • Risk assessment
  • Hydrostatic pressure
  • Formation pressures
  • Primary & secondary well control
  • Well control equipment
  • Subsea and surface equipment
  • Well barrier concept
  • Kick causes
  • Kick detection
  • Influx characteristics and behavior
  • Well control methods
  • Inflow testing
Course code: ALT-008
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 5 days
Language: Norwegian - Exam avail ...
Price: From NOK 17300,-

This course includes all subjects needed to prepare candidates for the rotary drilling well control exam, surface and subsea BOP stack on driller level (Level 3).

This course includes all subjects needed to prepare candidates for the rotary drilling well control exam, surface and subsea BOP stack at supervisor level (Level 4).

A printed course manual and exercise book is provided for all attendees. The IWCF exam is included in the course.

The course has been made on basis of the recommendations for enhancements to well control training, issued by the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP).

Course Content

- Kick prevention

- Shut in procedures

- Well control methods

- Kill sheet calculations

- Practical simulator training

- Circulation methods

- Practical simulator assessment

- IWCF written exam on the last day (Friday)

Please note! The course is in Norwegian, however you have the option to select the exam language to be English

Course code: MAE-003
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 2 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 10485,-

Focus on production and processing. Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to give an account of the production process of oil and gas. They should be able to identify platform equipment, state the position, and, in principle, give an account of the workings of the production and process equipment involved.


Course Content 


What is produced?

- Liquids

- Gases


The production well:

The Christmas tree


The production process, main and auxiliary equipment

- Well head

- Production manifold

- Inlet separator/water separator

- De-gassing tanks

- Liquid separators

- Suction brushes

- Gas Brushes

- Compressors

- Coalescer

- Flare boom - Coolers/heat exchangers

- Pumps

- Filters

- Valves


The production process, main and auxiliary equipment, cont.:

- Measuring apparatus

- Water machines - electric boilers

- Gas treatment equipment

- Separators for gas/condensate

- Storage tanks and equipment

- Re-injection manifold

- Safety and surveillance systems

- Help systems


Production methods:

- Primary extraction

- Secondary extraction (gas/water injection)


Future production systems:

- Underwater/satellite system


The course can also be arranged internally and can be tailor-made for individual companies.

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