Oil and Gas

Course catalogue



Course type

Course provider

  • Trygg Kurs AS
Course code: KOL-014
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 40 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 10200,-

Grunnleggende opplæring i arbeidsmiljø og HMS for verneombud, medlemmer av AMU (arbeidsmiljøutvalget), ledere, arbeidsledere og tillitsvalgte. Kurset tilfredsstiller kravene i AML § 6-5 til opplæring av verneombud.

- Arbeid med og innføring i Arbeidsmiljøloven
- Hovedprinsipper i helse-, miljø- og sikkerhetsarbeid
- HMS system (internkontroll)
- Arbeidsgivers og arbeidstakers plikter
- Psykososialt arbeidsmiljø
- Fysisk arbeidsmiljø
- Sykefravær og arbeidsmiljø
- Inkluderende arbeidsliv
- Varsling

This course is only available in Norwegian.

Course code: TK-007
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: Not set
Language: Not set
Price: From NOK 4500,-

I henhold til «Forskrift om utførelse av arbeid» nr. 1357, § 17-2, skal arbeidsgiver sørge for at arbeidstakere som skal arbeide med montering, demontering, endring og kontroll av stillaser med øverste stillasgulv over to meter i standardoppstilling får opplæring. Kravet til opplæring gjelder også for rullestillaser over to meter. Kurset gir grunnleggende teoretisk og praktisk opplæring i samsvar med forskriftens krav. Kompetansebevis blir utstedt til deltakerne for å oppfylle lovens krav til dokumentasjon.

Følgende emner blir bl.a. gjennomgått:

– forståelse av planer for montering, demontering eller endringer av det aktuelle stillaset
– sikkerhet ved montering, demontering eller endringer av det aktuelle stillaset
– tiltak for å redusere fallrisikoen for personer og gjenstander
– kontroll av stillas
– sikkerhetstiltak i tilfelle væromslag
– tillatte belastninger
– kontroll av stillas

Course code: TK-001
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 3500,-

Section 3-5 of the Working Environment Act requires every organisation’s most senior manager to be able to document training in HSE work. This obligation is personal and may not be delegated, and the completed training must be documented in writing.
The HSE course for managers provides an introduction to the most important aspects of the HSE work, and is undertaken in accordance with the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority’s guidelines for this type of training. A course certificate is issued upon completion of the course in order to fulfil the written documentation requirement.

The following topics are covered in the HSE course for managers:
– Introduction to the content and structure of the Working Environment Act
– Information about the Working Environment Act’s regulations
– Roles in the HSE work
– Working environment requirements
– Physical and psychosocial working environment
– How to establish, implement and maintain an HSE system at the workplace

Course code: KOL-021
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 6 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 2550,-

The Norwegian authorities require that employees who use lifts (personnel lifts) must be able to document practical and theoretical training in their use. The employer is responsible for ensuring that employees receive the necessary training. (“Regulations regarding the execution of work” no. 1357, section 10-2 Requirements regarding documented safety training in the use of work equipment.) The course provides a basic theoretical and practical introduction to the safe use of lifts (personnel lifts). A certificate of competence is issued to participants in order to fulfil the legislation’s documentation requirements.
Objective: To provide course participants with increased knowledge and awareness of safety measures in order to avoid injuries and accidents at the workplace. 

The following topics are covered:
– Assembly
– Operation
– User qualities
– Areas of use
– Maintenance and control
– Safe use and servicing
– Classes A, B and C
– Accidents
– Legislation and regulations