Olje og gass



  • E-læringskurs


  • Mintra UK
Kurskode: MUK-001
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 45 Minutter
Språk: Engelsk
Pris: NOK 500,-

Who is the course for?

All personnel involved with confined space entry work.


Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.


How will the course benefit me?

This course aims to provide learners with an overview of industry best practice in relation to confined space entry work.


How will the course benefit my company?

The course will benefit companies by reducing confined space entry related injuries.


What standards are referenced in the course?

Confined Space Regulations

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations

Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations

Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations

Electricity at Work Regulations 1989

Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations


Health and Safety Executive


Is there an assessment?





This course is approved by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

IOSH is the world’s Chartered body for safety and health professionals.


What that means:

• We are the largest membership body for health and safety professionals.

• We champion occupational safety and health causes and advocate for change.

• We advise governments, NGOs and policymakers.

• We facilitate safety and health awareness training in around 130 countries through IOSH Services Ltd, our wholly-owned trading arm.

• We commission research and set national and international standards.

• We shape the future of the profession.

Kurskode: MUK-006
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 30 minutter
Språk: Engelsk
Pris: NOK 500,-

Who is this course for?

All personnel who are involved in the transportation or supporting of a load by hand or bodily force.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will this course benefit me?

The aim of this course is to increase learners’ awareness of the importance of safe manual handling operations and the risks involved with manual handling. The course also aims to outline best practice for the correct handling techniques for safe lifting, and for the pushing and pulling of loads.

How will this course benefit my company?

This course will benefit a company by reducing manual handling accidents.

What standards are referred to in this course?

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations

Health and Safety at Work Act

Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

Is there an assessment?



This course is approved by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

IOSH is the world’s Chartered body for safety and health professionals.

What that means:

We are the largest membership body for health and safety professionals.

We champion occupational safety and health causes and advocate for change.

We advise governments, NGOs and policymakers.

We facilitate safety and health awareness training in around 130 countries through IOSH Services Ltd, our wholly-owned trading arm.

We commission research and set national and international standards.

We shape the future of the profession.

Kurskode: MUK-018
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 30 minutter
Språk: Engelsk
Pris: NOK 500,-

Who is this course for?

This course is aimed towards all personnel who use abrasive wheels in the workplace.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will this course benefit me?

This course aims to provide all relevant personnel with the knowledge required to understand the hazards and controls associated with the use of abrasive wheels.

How will this course benefit my company?

The course will benefit companies by providing personnel with knowledge of how to avoid risks and hazards when using abrasive wheels, subsequently reducing accidents and injuries in the workplace.

What standards are referred to in this course? 

• Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 

Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Kurskode: MUK-006P
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 30 minutter
Språk: Brasiliansk portugisis ...
Pris: NOK 500,-

Dette kurset tilbys kun på brasiliansk portugisisk.

The course aims to increase learners’ awareness of the importance of safe manual handling operations and the risks involved with manual handling. The course also aims to outline best practice for the correct handling techniques for safe lifting, and for the pushing and pulling of loads.



- Define the term ‘manual handling’ and explain the importance of safe manual handling operations
- Identify the types of injuries that may result from manual handling operations
- Identify the legislation that is in place to regulate manual handling operations
- Describe the duties that are placed on employers and employees by the Manual Handling Operations
- Explain the importance of risk assessing manual handling operations
- Identify the factors to consider when assessing manual handling operations
- Describe good handling techniques for safe lifting and the importance of working within the HSE manual
handling risk assessment
- Describe good handling techniques for pushing and pulling loads
- Explain the training requirements associated with manual handling operations

Kurskode: MUK-111
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 30 minutter
Språk: Engelsk
Pris: NOK 500,-

Who is this course for?

Personnel requiring an awareness or understanding of the role of Banksmen and Slingers.


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course.


How will this course benefit me?

This course aims to give an overview of the roles of the Banksman and Slinger


How will this course benefit my company?

To ensure you have an overview of the roles of the Banksman and Slinger


What standards are referred to in this course?

This course does not refer to specific legislation or standards but is written according to industry best practice.


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.


Kurset er kun tilgjengelig på engelsk.

Kurskode: MUK-006-FT
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: Ikke satt
Språk: Engelsk
Pris: NOK 500,-

FAST TRACK lar brukeren først ta en pre-test for å kartlegge sine eksisterende kunnskaper innen temaet. Basert på resultatene fra pre-testen vil FAST TRACK deretter automatisk opprette et skreddersydd kurs som er tilpasset kunnskapsnivået som blir avdekket i pre-testen.


Hensikten med kurset er å øke bevisstheten rundt betydningen av trygge operasjoner og farene forbundet med manuell håndtering. Kurset går også gjennom  beste praksis for å ivareta sikker løfting og for forflytting av last (skyve/trekke).


Etter fullført kurs skal brukeren kunne:
- Definere begrepet manuell håndtering og forklare betydningen av at slike operasjoner utføres trygt
- Vite hvilke typer skader som kan oppstå i forbindelse med manuell håndtering
- Kjenne til relevant lovgivningen
- Beskrive arbeidsgiver og arbeidstakers plikter i følge relevant regelverk
- Forklare viktigheten av risikovurdering i forbindelse med manuell håndtering
- Vite hva man bør vurdere for å redusere risikoen for skade
- Beskrive gode håndteringsteknikker for sikker løfting og viktigheten av å arbeide innenfor HMS-regelverket
- Beskriv gode håndteringsteknikker for å skyve og trekke laster
- Forklare opplæringskravene som gjelder i forbindelse med slike operasjoner


Kurset er kun tilgjengelig på engelsk.  

Kurskode: MUK-001-FT
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: Ikke satt
Språk: Engelsk
Pris: NOK 500,-

FAST TRACK lar brukeren først ta en pre-test for å kartlegge sine eksisterende kunnskaper innen temaet. Basert på resultatene fra pre-testen vil FAST TRACK deretter automatisk opprette et skreddersydd kurs som er tilpasset kunnskapsnivået som blir avdekket i pre-testen.


Hensikten med kurset er å gi en oversikt over industriens beste fremgangsmåter for entring av rør og tanker.


Etter fullført kurs skal brukeren kunne:
- Vite hva en lukket tank er
- Gi eksempler på lukkede tanker 
- Beskrive farene i forbindelse med entring av rør og tanker
- Identifiser de viktigste lover og regler i forbindelse med entring av rør og tanker
- Forklare hvordan du kan unngå å entre rør og tanker
- Forklare viktigheten av å følge et Sikkert Arbeidssystem
- Beskrive de individuelle rollene og ansvarsfordelingen for arbeid i rør og tanker
- Forklare viktigheten av gasstesting
- Identifiser akseptable nivåer etter en gasstest
- Gi eksempler på arbeidsutstyr beregnet på entring av rør og tanker
- Forklare hvilke rutiner man skal følge i en nødsituasjon
- Forklare alarmprosedyrene i forbindelse med entring av rør og tanker


Kurset er kun tilgjengelig på engelsk. 

Kurskode: MUK-154
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 2 timer 30 minutter
Språk: Engelsk
Pris: NOK 1500,-

Who is this course for?

Personnel involved with mechanical material handling equipment and operation, crane operation, rigging, supervision and signalling related activities. 


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course and it is assumed that you are competent in your designated role


How will this course benefit me?

To provide learners with an awareness of industry best practice for working with cranes


This course consists of 4 sections:

Section 1: Introduction to Crane Operations

Section 2: Cranes and Lifting Equipment

Section 3: Planning a Lift

Section 4: Carrying out a Lift


How will this course benefit my company?

By ensuring you are aware of industry best practice for working with cranes 


What standards are referred to in this course?

• The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 

• The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 

• The Safe Use of Lifting Equipment: Approved Code of Practice (ACOP)

• Lifting Equipment at Work Guidance

• Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations

• Health and Safety at Work Act s.16

• Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations



Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Kurskode: MUK-149
Kurstype: E-læringskurs
Varighet: 15 minutter
Språk: Engelsk
Pris: NOK 500,-

Hensikten med kurset er å gi en oversikt over bransjens beste praksis i forhold til sikker bruk av slipeutstyr.


Etter fullført kurs skal brukeren kunne:
- Vanlige aktiviteter i olje- og gassindustrien som innebærer bruk av slipeutstyr
- Krav til bærbare og håndholdte slipemaskiner
- Potensielle farer forbundet med bruk av slipeutstyr
- Krav til personlig verneutstyr ved bruk av slipeutstyr
- Viktigheten av å bruke vakter under slike aktiviteter
- Nødvendige sikkerhetstiltak og kompenserende tiltak for å redusere risiko


Kurset er kun tilgjengelig på engelsk. 

Treff per side