Oil and Gas

Course catalogue


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  • Course package

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Course code: WBB-002-12
Course type: Course package
Duration: 7 Hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 250,-

With COVID-19 meaning that home working is no longer an option but a necessity for many, what are the potential side effects on our health and work performance. Employers may need to provide additional training to ensure appropriate supervision and work behaviours. These include remote technology, communication skills development, time management and ergonomics.


Effective remote working requires greater self-control and discipline to avoid the boundaries between work and personal life becoming blurred. Research has shown that, in general, homeworkers tend to work longer than office workers and this increases with the use of technology. Homeworkers do benefit from greater working time autonomy, but how effectively this is applied depends on the discipline of the individual.


The ‘Effective Remote Working’ bundle includes 3 months access to 10 online courses and over 7 hours of eLearning.  


• Management of Change

• Lone Working (Employees)

• Smart Workplaces: Responsible Social Media for Team members

• Business Writing: E-Mail Techniques

• AEC Success: Effective Decision Making

• Webinars – Conducting a Web-based Presentation

• ABCs of Managing Time & Effort: The 80/20 Way

• Smart Time Management: 7 Steps to Regaining Control of Your Day

• 3-way Communication

• Smart Customer Service 3: Effective Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Course code: WBB-001-12
Course type: Course package
Duration: 9 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 300,-

With COVID-19 meaning that home working is no longer an option but a necessity for many, what are the potential side effects on our health and work performance. Employers may need to provide additional training to ensure appropriate supervision and work behaviours. These include remote technology, communication skills development, time management and ergonomics. 


Maintaining health and well-being while working from home encompasses many areas, including ergonomics, preventing feelings of isolation and effectively managing stress. Studies have found that more than half of people working from home had not paid any attention to ergonomics, and 94% of them reported that neither had their employers. Almost half of remote workers have experienced work-related pains. One of the most problematic aspects of home working is the isolation and the lack of access to day-to-day informal interactions. While remote working enables greater autonomy, it also leads to higher levels of work intensity. The ‘24/7’ availability for work can result in family conflict and stress. Key areas to promote a positive work-family interface include the parental ability to cope with children and amicable resolutions of conflict about working hours, household work and personal time in the family.


The ‘Healthy Home Working’ bundle includes 3 month access to 12 online courses and over 9 hours of eLearning.


• Stress Awareness

• Working Time Limits and Fatigue Management

• Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

• Ergonomics

• Health and Safety for Home Workers (Employees)

• Medicine Awareness

• Smart Health: Sleeping – How to Ensure You Are Well-Rested & Energized

• Smart Mental Health: Managing Anger and Emotions

• Smart Mental Health: Keys to Successful Parenting

• Smart Health: Drinking Responsibly

• Smart Mental Health: Reducing Stress and Anxiety

• Smart Mental Health: Mastering Marriage

Course code: WBB-002
Course type: Course package
Duration: 7 Hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 99,-

With COVID-19 meaning that home working is no longer an option but a necessity for many, what are the potential side effects on our health and work performance. Employers may need to provide additional training to ensure appropriate supervision and work behaviours. These include remote technology, communication skills development, time management and ergonomics.


Effective remote working requires greater self-control and discipline to avoid the boundaries between work and personal life becoming blurred. Research has shown that, in general, homeworkers tend to work longer than office workers and this increases with the use of technology. Homeworkers do benefit from greater working time autonomy, but how effectively this is applied depends on the discipline of the individual.


The ‘Effective Remote Working’ bundle includes 3 months access to 10 online courses and over 7 hours of eLearning.  


• Management of Change

• Lone Working (Employees)

• Smart Workplaces: Responsible Social Media for Team members

• Business Writing: E-Mail Techniques

• AEC Success: Effective Decision Making

• Webinars – Conducting a Web-based Presentation

• ABCs of Managing Time & Effort: The 80/20 Way

• Smart Time Management: 7 Steps to Regaining Control of Your Day

• 3-way Communication

• Smart Customer Service 3: Effective Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Course code: WBB-003-12
Course type: Course package
Duration: 10 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 250,-

With COVID-19 meaning that home working is no longer an option but a necessity for many, what are the potential side effects on our health and work performance. Employers may need to provide additional training to ensure appropriate supervision and work behaviours. These include remote technology, communication skills development, time management and ergonomics.


Managing remote teams and business continuity are operational priorities for companies during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Remote working allows some operations to continue and facilitate flexible work schedules, which typically improves individual performance. However, greater flexibility and leading teams remotely puts a greater burden on managers and makes supervision more complex. 


The group of workers who experience most difficulty in handling ‘boundary-less’ working are actually managers.  This is mainly because they are connected longer in their ‘non-working time’.


The ‘Managing Remote Teams’ bundle includes 3 months access to 10 online courses and over 10 hours of eLearning. 


• Negativity in the Workplace

• Decision Making

• Supporting Change: 03-Your Path to Supporting Change

• Management 101: 02-Leading and Communicating as a Manager

• Smart Management: Managing a Geographically Distributed Workforce

• Health and Safety for Home Workers (Managers)

• Lone Working (Managers)

• An Effective Leader’s Guide to Time Management

• Team Building IV: Conflict Management

• Essential Skills of Leadership: 05-Lead Effective Meetings

Course code: WBB-001
Course type: Course package
Duration: 9 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 99,-

With COVID-19 meaning that home working is no longer an option but a necessity for many, what are the potential side effects on our health and work performance. Employers may need to provide additional training to ensure appropriate supervision and work behaviours. These include remote technology, communication skills development, time management and ergonomics. 


Maintaining health and well-being while working from home encompasses many areas, including ergonomics, preventing feelings of isolation and effectively managing stress. Studies have found that more than half of people working from home had not paid any attention to ergonomics, and 94% of them reported that neither had their employers. Almost half of remote workers have experienced work-related pains. One of the most problematic aspects of home working is the isolation and the lack of access to day-to-day informal interactions. While remote working enables greater autonomy, it also leads to higher levels of work intensity. The ‘24/7’ availability for work can result in family conflict and stress. Key areas to promote a positive work-family interface include the parental ability to cope with children and amicable resolutions of conflict about working hours, household work and personal time in the family.


The ‘Healthy Home Working’ bundle includes 3 month access to 12 online courses and over 9 hours of eLearning.


• Stress Awareness

• Working Time Limits and Fatigue Management

• Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

• Ergonomics

• Health and Safety for Home Workers (Employees)

• Medicine Awareness

• Smart Health: Sleeping – How to Ensure You Are Well-Rested & Energized

• Smart Mental Health: Managing Anger and Emotions

• Smart Mental Health: Keys to Successful Parenting

• Smart Health: Drinking Responsibly

• Smart Mental Health: Reducing Stress and Anxiety

• Smart Mental Health: Mastering Marriage

Course code: WBB-003
Course type: Course package
Duration: 10 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 99,-

With COVID-19 meaning that home working is no longer an option but a necessity for many, what are the potential side effects on our health and work performance. Employers may need to provide additional training to ensure appropriate supervision and work behaviours. These include remote technology, communication skills development, time management and ergonomics.


Managing remote teams and business continuity are operational priorities for companies during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Remote working allows some operations to continue and facilitate flexible work schedules, which typically improves individual performance. However, greater flexibility and leading teams remotely puts a greater burden on managers and makes supervision more complex. 


The group of workers who experience most difficulty in handling ‘boundary-less’ working are actually managers.  This is mainly because they are connected longer in their ‘non-working time’.


The ‘Managing Remote Teams’ bundle includes 3 months access to 10 online courses and over 10 hours of eLearning. 


• Negativity in the Workplace

• Decision Making

• Supporting Change: 03-Your Path to Supporting Change

• Management 101: 02-Leading and Communicating as a Manager

• Smart Management: Managing a Geographically Distributed Workforce

• Health and Safety for Home Workers (Managers)

• Lone Working (Managers)

• An Effective Leader’s Guide to Time Management

• Team Building IV: Conflict Management

• Essential Skills of Leadership: 05-Lead Effective Meetings

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