Oil and Gas
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Produced Water (Brazilian Portuguese)

Course information

Target group:

All relevant personnel


Course Goal: This course is designed to enable all personnel to have a common and consistent approach to both company and industry best practice in relation to managing produced water.

This course contains 7 sections:

Section 1: Introduction to the Oilfield Water Cycle 

Section 2: Production Streams and Disposal Management 

Section 3: Produced Water Discharges - Environmental and Regulatory Requirements

Section 4: Produced Water Treatment Principles

Section 5: Produced Water Treatment Equipment

Section 6: Produced Water Chemical Management 

Section 7: Oilfield Water Cycle Summary


Do you want more information about the course, or do you want to order?

Contact us at Tel: +47 24 15 55 55 , or send us an e-mail.

E-mail : support@trainingportal.no