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Fire preventing electrical survey, houses. NEK 405-2

Course information

Target group:

Surveyors on electrical systems, executing installers, electricians, apprentices, controllers, surveyors, officials working with control of installations, and others who need re-skilling and / or want to certify in accordance with NEK 405-2


Course for updating relevant knowledge regarding “Brannforebyggende elkontroll bolig – NEK 405-2».

The course can be used as exam preparation.

Electrical systems and electrical equipment shall be safe in use and the conditions for it is that all the safety measures required by the legislation is in place. However, the electrical systems are influenced during use, physical damage and aging. This affects the need for maintenance, replacements and upgrades. A control of the electrical systems according to NEK 405-2 will reveal the state of the electrical system and give the owner a basis for action.

The course deals with:
- Information on certification and qualification
- Fire theory and statistics
- Legislation, regulations and reference level
- Time Typical Structures
- Current regulations
- Checkpoints, information points and procedure
- Fire Theory


Do you want more information about the course, or do you want to order?

Contact us at Tel: +47 24 15 55 55 , or send us an e-mail.

E-mail : support@trainingportal.no