Oil and Gas

Course catalogue

Course type

Course provider

  • Kongsberg Maritime

K-Bridge Operator incl. ECDIS Fam.

Course code: KOL-056
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 24 hours
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


After the successful completion of the course, the participant should be able to:
• Explain the basic functionality of the K-Bridge system
• Operate the K-Bridge integrated navigation system
• Use the system in a safe and efficient mode
• Understand the K-Bridge system overview
• Operate  the system with all available functions in order to navigate safely under all conditions
• Explain the system’s menu structure
• Explain and utilize the system’s display setup
• Set safety values
• Recognize  alarms and malfunction indicators and actions to be taken
• Planning, validating and monitoring routes
• Change over to back up systems
• Install and update charts and licenses


• K-Bridge integrated navigation system
• Main system components and functionality
• Basic operation of K-RADAR, K-ECDIS, K-Conning and K-Autopilot
• Type-specific familiarization training on the K-Bridge ECDIS
• Navigation tools and functions
• Setting of safety parameters
• Sensor input and alarm handling
• Route planning, validation and monitoring
• Charts management
• Charts installation and updates 


The training will be a combination of theoretical lessons  and practical exercises. The participants will be trained to find information by using the system and obtaincompetence of various applications.


This course can be held onboard upon request.


The course yields one diploma stating: K-Bridge Operator Course including ECDIS Familiarization.

Course code: KON-003
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 34 hours
Language: Norwegian and English
Price: From NOK 26500,-

This course is intended for Dynamic Positioning Operators (DPO) with a certificate from the Nautical Institute that are unable to revalidate their DPO certificate due to insufficient DP sea time.

By the end of the course the participants shall:

- Have acquired knowledge of the latest rules and regulations
- Have acquired knowledge of the latest developments within sensors and Position Reference Systems (PRS)
- Have acquired knowledge of the latest relevant DP incidents and why they occurred
- Be able to recognize the various alarm, warning and information messages
- Carry out operational planning, risk assessment and hazard identification tasks
- Set up the DP system for a particular task/operation
- Decide on courses of action because of system failure

The course is conducted as classroom training, combining theoretical presentation  and practical work/discussion with exercises in simulator and guidance. For practical capabilities and skills, exercises are performed in fully equipped DP simulator. This course will fulfil the revalidation learning objectives as specified by Nautical institute.


K-Bridge ECDIS Fam.

Course code: KOL-057
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 12 Hours
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


After the successful completion of the course, the participant should be able to:
• Understand the K-Bridge ECDIS system overview
• Operate the system with all available functions in order to  navigate safely under all conditions
• Explain the system’s menu structure
• Explain and utilize the system’s display setup
• Set safety values
• Recognize alarm and malfunction indicators and actions  to be taken
• Planning and validating routes
• Monitor routes on the system
• Change over to backup systems
• Install and update charts and licenses 


• Type-specific familiarization training on the K-Bridge   ECDIS
• Basic operations
• Navigation tools and functions
• Setting of safety parameters
• Sensor inputs and alarm handling
• Route planning, validation and monitoring
• Charts management
• Chart installation and updates


The training will be a combination of theoretical lessons and practical exercises.


This course can be held onboard upon request.


The course yields one diploma stating:
•  K-Bridge ECDIS  Familiarisation Course

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